「飽蠹」讀書會 ‘Book Dome’ reading club




  「蠹」,粵音「到」,俗音「道」,解作「蛀蟲」。中國大學問家錢鍾書先生,一九三零年代曾留學牛津大學,並經常流連大學總圖書館 Bodleian Library,把它戲譯作「飽蠹樓」,意即「蛀書蟲飽讀之所」。本讀書會既服務牛津郡香港人,遂沿用此優雅名字。


  至於讀書會的英文名字 Book Dome,一來音譯自「飽蠹」,二來源自牛津大學最著名的 dome(穹頂建築)— Radcliffe Camera,而 Bodleian Library 有些閱讀室正位於此處。


  「飽蠹」讀書會希望能夠集思廣益,各位的寶貴意見將塑造飽蠹讀書會。敬請把你的寶貴意見以電郵至 oxfordhkers@gmail.com 給發起人 Nomis 與 Ken。


‘Book Dome’ reading club

A. Origin

The Hong Kong diaspora has united us in Oxfordshire, and we believe that using books to connect would be wonderful. Through this reading club, we can unite to read, share, and support one another! ‘Book Dome’ has three primary goals:
1. to meet fellow Hong Kongers and form friendships;
2. to encourage and promote reading;
3. to expand our knowledge and pursue wisdom collectively.

B. Name

China’s distinguished scholar Qian Zhongshu studied at Oxford University during the 1930s and frequented the university's main library - the Bodleian Library. In a playful manner, he humorously referred to the library as ‘飽蠹樓’, which translates as ‘a sated bookworm's place’. Since our book club is specifically for Hongkongers in Oxfordshire, we have decided to adopt this elegant name.

On the other hand, the English name ‘Book Dome’ is a loose transliteration of the Chinese name. Additionally, the Radcliffe Camera, the most famous dome at Oxford University, houses some of the reading rooms of the Bodleian Library.

C. Contact

Your valuable suggestions shape the Book Dome reading club. Please send your comments or suggestions to the reading club founders, Nomis and Ken, at oxfordhkers@gmail.com.

D. Resources