Seminar: Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 (15.11.2023)

Seminar: Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 on 15th of November, 2023
Speaker: Peter Riddell
Date: 15th November, 2023 Wednesday
Time: 13:30 to 14:30
Venue: Community Space, 1/F, Oxford Westgate Library, Queen Street, Westgate, Oxford OX1 1DJ Google Maps launch

Fee: Free of charge
Seats: 20 participants
Online (by zoom call): 100 participants

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'Britain in Palestine 1917-1948' is the title of a short documentary on Britain's impact on the Middle East. Most Brits have no idea that their country ruled Palestine for 3 decades or that it shaped the present configuration of countries in the area. If you don't know your past, you can't act appropriately in the present. This film was developed by the Balfour Project for the centenary of the Balfour Declaration in 2017, and has been approved both by Arabs and Jews. Peter will first play the whole film (18 minutes), then play it again in short sections with space for small-group discussion between the sections.

Introduction of Peter Riddell:
Peter Riddell has worked with Initiatives of Change (IofC UK) for several decades organising trust-building programmes between people of different faiths based on shared ethical values, in particular, people who have suffered due to Britain’s colonial legacy. He is currently Convenor of IofC UK's Agenda for Reconciliation programme ( ), supporting refugees who wish to contribute to reconciling their diasporas as a contribution to rebuilding their country of origin. He is also designer and co-facilitator of the Qualities and Strategies of Peacemakers course ( ) based on five documentaries about outstanding peacemakers. He was a co-founder and Secretary of the Balfour Project for 8 years.

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